SPECIAL SKILLS! with Fresh Theatre Arts
4th-6th grade, Saturdays Jan 11th-March 1st, 10:30am-12pm
Service Description
4th-6th grade, $375 (less than $50 a class!), $100 deposit Every actor’s resume has their special skills listed at the bottom. Now, you can start to develop your own! The Studio has partnered with Fresh Theatre Arts for an eight week class where each session introduces you to a new theatrical ‘special skill’ from a different professional! Classes include: IMPROV…SNL has nothing on The Studio’s comedic skills with Alex McCully SCENE STUDY…break down and perform a scene like a pro with Natalie Yost SHAKESPEARE…me thinks they shall enjoy every second with Jessica Stanzek SET DESIGN…design and build mini models of a set with Jason Orb CHOREOGRAPHY…tell the story through dance with Katelyn Loss STAGE MAKE UP…includes your own makeup kit! with Kayleigh Wharton STAGE COMBAT…learn the ins and outs of stage combat with Brandon Ali PUPPETRY…learn how to bring a puppet to life with Kate Hoover Every Saturday from January 11th-March 1st (snow makeup date will be March 8th) 10:30am-12pm Grades 4-6, 12 spots available $375. $100 deposit Check out Fresh Theatre Arts! https://freshtheatrearts.com/ Policies: *PERMISSION: Parent/guardians agree that the attendee, to the best of their knowledge, is in good physical condition and is capable of participating in activities like dramatic play, arts, and movement. They give their child/attendee permission to partake in these activities on the B.Lee Productions property. They understand that activities associated with this program have an inherent risk factor, and that all appropriate precautions will be taken for the safety of the child. They give their permission to the B.Lee Productions staff and/or hospital staff to administer proper medical assistance to their child/attendee. They agree not to hold B.Lee Productions or any of their agents responsible in the event of injury to their child/attendee and/or if their child/attendee contracts COVID-19. *CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS: All booking deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. Subsequent invoiced payments are refundable up to 14 days prior to the start of the sessions if you need to cancel. Credit/makeups for any missed days/weeks will not be issued. If you have to quarantine due to COVID diagnosis, you will be given the option to virtually attend the day(s). Refunds will not be given due to quarantine. The makeup day due to a cancellation by the owner, state of emergencies, and other unforeseen circumstances is set for March 8th.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
All booking deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. Subsequent invoiced payments are refundable up to 14 days prior to the start of the sessions if you need to cancel. Credit/makeups for any missed days/weeks will not be issued. If you have to quarantine due to COVID exposure or diagnosis, you will be given the option to virtually attend the day(s). If the session has to suddenly go fully virtual due to statewide regulations, you will be given the option to continue virtual days, or accept a refund for the amount of days that are left in a session. Makeup days due to cancellations by the owner, state of emergencies, and other unforeseen circumstances will be handled on a case by case basis.
Contact Details
188 Prospect Street, Nutley, NJ 07110, USA